I’ve added a page to the wiki on what you’re allowed to post to Steam Workshop as part of your mod. If you’re working on one, you should totally read it.
Ideally I would’ve had this up much sooner, so that nobody wastes time making a mod I’m just gonna ban. I’m sorry that it took this long. To be honest, I’ve been kind of dreading writing it, because it’s a bummer to go laying down the law before anything has even gone wrong. But it’s important to get things started off on the right foot so we’re in the clear with Valve.
In other news, programming work is continuing to go well. Got some bugs to fix so it works well in the absence of Steam, and with international characters in mod metadata. Then it’s on to a big retest of the entire game, given that this will be the first Python 3 release and it’s hard to know what that might have broken.