Patreon Rewards

If I was gonna restart my Patreon, what would you like to see as a reward, and where would you want to see me spend time and resources?

Whatever happens I’ll continue to use Steam revenue to finish off mod support. But patreonbux would allow me to bring in artists and writers and commit to more content. If you’d like to be informed if/when this happens, follow Fleshcult on Steam or Itch.

Which Patreon rewards might tempt you to join? (Pick all that apply)

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A Fourth Location?

In this scenario I’d focus on making the game longer, with a new location after the suburbs and the old quarter. It would have new types of minions to recruit and a new plot arc that carries on after the Baron.

Side Projects

I regularly have ideas for erotic games that I make little prototypes of. They’re short and not illustrated, but I’d polish them up and add some juicy text descriptions. Not all of these would have selectable gender and sexuality like Fleshcult. For example, the most complete thing I have lying around is a Twine game where you’re a male sub lost in his mistresses’ maze of sinister glory holes.


I’d also add the technical framework for background music to the game. I slapped together the Steam trailer music in Renoise and could make more tracks with a similar mood, but at lower tempo and with more ambience. Or hire an actual musician, if the community gently takes me aside to say, “Yes, but not like that”.

Lore Wiki

I mentioned in an earlier post that I was doing a bit of worldbuilding to give me more of a setting to work with. For example, I have a map of the underworld based on tectonic plate boundaries and large igneous provinces. Demonic factions, yadda yadda. Absolutely no promises this ever makes it into the game and it’s very unlikely to get you off. Might be interesting if you’re trying to do similar things on tabletop.

What else am I missing?

I’m open to suggestions.

Release v1.08: Steam Workshop support is out!

Fleshcult v1.08 is now available on Steam and Itch. It allows you to create and install mods that can:

  • Add graphics
  • Improve the UI
  • Add sounds

This is the first phase of mod support. I’ll be continuing to work on enabling mods for:

  • Adding characters, transformations, and locations
  • New mechanics and other code alterations

Modding Preview 3

This one’s just a wee bugfix release. Changes:

  • Altering the internal name of your mod from the upload form no longer errors out.
  • All of the CSS classes for minions have been added to the Lab screen and the minion pairing table. They work identically to the ones in the Visit Surface screen and encounters.

Modding Preview 2

On the Steam beta branch you can now download v1.08, which lets you upload and download mods from Steam Workshop. This is an opportunity for modders to test workshop integration before it goes live for players in general.

Known Issues:

  • If you’ve been using Modding Preview 1, you’ll initially see an error about not being able to read user settings, but it should behave correctly after that.
  • Secondly, if you’ve written metadata for your mod into an ini file, it will now need to be named ‘metadata.ini’.
  • The upload form can’t cope with unicode characters yet.

Please let me know if your mods behave any differently after a trip through workshop and I’ll look into it. And if you’d like to get into making mods, you can learn more on the wiki.

Steam Workshop Content Policy

I’ve added a page to the wiki on what you’re allowed to post to Steam Workshop as part of your mod. If you’re working on one, you should totally read it.

Ideally I would’ve had this up much sooner, so that nobody wastes time making a mod I’m just gonna ban. I’m sorry that it took this long. To be honest, I’ve been kind of dreading writing it, because it’s a bummer to go laying down the law before anything has even gone wrong. But it’s important to get things started off on the right foot so we’re in the clear with Valve.

In other news, programming work is continuing to go well. Got some bugs to fix so it works well in the absence of Steam, and with international characters in mod metadata. Then it’s on to a big retest of the entire game, given that this will be the first Python 3 release and it’s hard to know what that might have broken.

Steam Workshop and back again

Today I uploaded a mod into the workshop from within Fleshcult, and then downloaded it successfully. It took me a while getting here. I didn’t realise the amount of work, and didn’t realise how much fatigue I was carrying into 2021.

Anyway, this is a significant milestone for me, but there are still a lot of details to address. I’d say I’ve got about two weeks left of assorted bugs to fix, then I’ll finally have a release.