March Patreon Reward

So replacing PyInstaller took longer than a week. In fact, it’s what I was doing for the bulk of the month. This was the last big blocker for the non-patreon release, but a few polish items remain.

What’s New:

  • New character: The Bruiser. They’re a big guy or gal, a bouncer for organised crime, a heavy for taking care of business, and seldom far from a fight.
  • New equipment: The Electrojaculator tool belt item and the e-stim strap-on. These both have a slowly recharging ability to shock the cum right out your partner, without even reaching orgasm.
  • Fixed developer mode crash on launch.

Get it now, via Patreon

February Patreon Reward

Right, right, Patreon stuff, but where’s the free update, I hear you ask? I want to spend another week or so to replace PyInstaller, the program I use to convert my Python code into an executable. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while.

What’s New:

  • New character, the Back-Alley Doctor.
  • Vibes are now removable, slightly nerfed the lust increase.
  • Retractable Claws and the Flesh-Woven Cloak now give you extra chances to Tease.
  • New equipment: the Shrunken Dicklette.
  • Fixed bug where a message said The Pit was unlocked at the same time as Old Town. That was incorrect: to visit The Pit, you have to defeat the Baron first.
  • Somewhat more explicit hinting about how to beat the Baron (check out that merging tome…). Fixed invasions conking out early.
  • Fixed seams during meter animations.

Out Now, via Patreon!

January Patreon Reward

Out now! New stuff in the Patreon version:

  • New Location: The Pit. Here you can meet the characters from the previous patreon releases, and also The Smuggler – an unscrupulous rogue who often moves contraband internally.
  • New alert level mechanic for all the inhabitants of The Pit.
  • Re-implemented the encounter meters to make them easier to mod and maintain.
  • Hover over a meter to see its numeric value.

December Patreon Reward

The patreon content next month will kick off new storylines, told through a bunch of end-of-night text scenes:

  • Witness the Baron’s fall play out in the Underworld.
  • Find out what’s happening inside the Office of the Witchfinder General.
  • Get hints about the main character’s past.

I’m aiming to have this ready for you in the first week of December.

EDIT: Available now! 8 new plot scenes, on top of the content from previous patreon updates: 2 new tomes, 2 new characters, and 2 new trap types.

What’s new in August

How’s that code mod support coming along, you wonder? Well, it works, and I’ve been using it to make Patreon content, but it’s still completely undocumented, so there’s not much point in releasing it into the base game just yet. I’ll be looking to carve out a bit of time to do that next month.

On the Patreon side of things I’ve been making some new content! Initially I released a couple of non-Fleshcult Twine games: a CYOA called The Untold Holes of Mistress Sable, and an interactive JOI called the Trials of Verminus, but now I’m settling into a rhythm of making a new tome and character each month, and hopefully soon, some new storyline content. Yeah, I gave up on gating that stuff based on revenue goals. Seems like the better growth incentive is to actually have the goods. Who knew?

Expanding Fleshcult

I’m restarting the Patreon! I’m aiming to make the game longer and continue the story after the Baron’s demise. If this sounds good, please consider contributing!

Here’s what’s different from the last Patreon launch:

  • It’s a plain regular-ass Patreon: you get charged monthly. You get rewards. No weird pledge threshold.
  • The port away from the server is done, so there’s gonna be results much sooner.
  • The rewards are different: rather than no-ads and cheats, special content instead.

You can find out more here:

Patreon Rewards

If I was gonna restart my Patreon, what would you like to see as a reward, and where would you want to see me spend time and resources?

Whatever happens I’ll continue to use Steam revenue to finish off mod support. But patreonbux would allow me to bring in artists and writers and commit to more content. If you’d like to be informed if/when this happens, follow Fleshcult on Steam or Itch.

Which Patreon rewards might tempt you to join? (Pick all that apply)

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A Fourth Location?

In this scenario I’d focus on making the game longer, with a new location after the suburbs and the old quarter. It would have new types of minions to recruit and a new plot arc that carries on after the Baron.

Side Projects

I regularly have ideas for erotic games that I make little prototypes of. They’re short and not illustrated, but I’d polish them up and add some juicy text descriptions. Not all of these would have selectable gender and sexuality like Fleshcult. For example, the most complete thing I have lying around is a Twine game where you’re a male sub lost in his mistresses’ maze of sinister glory holes.


I’d also add the technical framework for background music to the game. I slapped together the Steam trailer music in Renoise and could make more tracks with a similar mood, but at lower tempo and with more ambience. Or hire an actual musician, if the community gently takes me aside to say, “Yes, but not like that”.

Lore Wiki

I mentioned in an earlier post that I was doing a bit of worldbuilding to give me more of a setting to work with. For example, I have a map of the underworld based on tectonic plate boundaries and large igneous provinces. Demonic factions, yadda yadda. Absolutely no promises this ever makes it into the game and it’s very unlikely to get you off. Might be interesting if you’re trying to do similar things on tabletop.

What else am I missing?

I’m open to suggestions.