September Patreon Reward, v1.21

What’s New:

  • Tome of Vaginal Perversion, volume 2: Available from Downtown onward. Introduces Torrential Wetness, Labyrinthine Cunts, and Prehensile Clits.
  • New Character – The Raver: This scantily-clad reprobate can be found losing their mind on the dance floor at underground raves in The Pit.

Bug Fixes:

  • Picking options in the lab tab no longer forgets which character you’re on.
  • If you have a character with a long name in the lab, the cancel button no longer wraps on to the next line.

Available now from Patreon.

August Patreon Reward, v1.20

New Feature – Improved Minion Descriptions:

  • The descriptions of minions now start off with a character-specific line saying what they’re up to and how they’re doing. The line varies depending on whether they’re untransformed, partially transformed, or fully transformed.
  • About half of the characters have this filled in, the rest have a generic placeholder for now. Thanks go to Porpentine for writing these!

New Feature – Surface Recruits:

  • When you leave a recruit on the surface, you can now bring them back when you’ve got room.
  • There’s a new list in the Diary tab for checking up on these recruits.
  • Mortals out of the lair completing tasks no longer count towards the population cap. If there’s not enough room when they try to come back, they’ll chill on the surface instead.

Minor Tweaks:

  • Got rid of the Projects tab. You can now go there directly from a quest objective instead.
  • Renamed Projects to Schemes.
  • Nicer looking minion table and building list UI.
  • Retuned double dicks so it’s easier to get double penetration. Nerfed it a little.

Available now from Patreon

July Patreon Reward, v1.19

What’s New:

  • You now have the ability to send minions out of the lair to accomplish side quest tasks. The UI is a bit rudimentary at the moment, but the general idea is it works like the away missions in Evil Genius.
  • New Side Quest: The Chastity Field Generator. Ever wonder why you can only recruit people from the suburbs at the start of the game? Now you can find out why, and do something about it.
  • New Side Quest: The Robo-beast and the Robo-doll. Isn’t it a shame that beasts without concubines don’t produce anything? What you need is some sort of milking machine…

Available now from Patreon

June Patreon Reward, v1.18

After skipping May due to illness and other schedule overruns, I’m back for June. This release introduces a quest system which I’ll be adding side quests to over time.

What’s New:

  • The Diary page now has two new sections: Objectives and Factions:
    • Objectives is a quest log that leads you through the main storyline to defeating the baron. Side quests will appear here once I’ve finished some.
    • Factions shows your alignment with various organisations and deities. At the moment it’s really only useful for seeing how Narcissus feels about you.
  • Subtle HTML improvements: Replaced some layout tables and floats with fancy new flexbox formatting. It’ll make it easier to maintain and mod.

Available now from Patreon

April Patreon Reward, v1.17

New in Fleshcult v1.17:

  • 2 new buildings: Get extra flesh looms to transform minions in parallel. No more transforming beasts one at a time.
  • The Lab screen now has a sidebar with all your minions, showing the various transformations under way.
  • Mutations are now a constant chance upon the completion of a transformation, so you’re more likely to see them in the late game.
  • Concubines can now get mutations, but it’s rare.

Available now from Patreon

Release v1.16: Introducing The Pit

The v1.16 update adds the first half of The Pit, a dilapidated industrial zone where squatters, outlaws, and revolutionaries hang out.

New Content:

  • 3 new characters to seduce: the Hacker, the Smuggler, and the Biker
  • 8 new scenes that show you the aftermath of the Baron’s fall and kick off new storylines.
  • New electrostim equipment. New sissy options.
  • Rebalanced some transformations. Now you can make a build with multiple chances to tease.
  • Vibes can be removed once inserted.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed developer mode crashing on start unless you had a log directory.
  • Fixed pronoun errors when playing with trans men.
  • Fixed the vanishing exe problem by replacing PyInstaller.

Available on Steam and Itch.

March Patreon Reward

So replacing PyInstaller took longer than a week. In fact, it’s what I was doing for the bulk of the month. This was the last big blocker for the non-patreon release, but a few polish items remain.

What’s New:

  • New character: The Bruiser. They’re a big guy or gal, a bouncer for organised crime, a heavy for taking care of business, and seldom far from a fight.
  • New equipment: The Electrojaculator tool belt item and the e-stim strap-on. These both have a slowly recharging ability to shock the cum right out your partner, without even reaching orgasm.
  • Fixed developer mode crash on launch.

Get it now, via Patreon

February Patreon Reward

Right, right, Patreon stuff, but where’s the free update, I hear you ask? I want to spend another week or so to replace PyInstaller, the program I use to convert my Python code into an executable. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while.

What’s New:

  • New character, the Back-Alley Doctor.
  • Vibes are now removable, slightly nerfed the lust increase.
  • Retractable Claws and the Flesh-Woven Cloak now give you extra chances to Tease.
  • New equipment: the Shrunken Dicklette.
  • Fixed bug where a message said The Pit was unlocked at the same time as Old Town. That was incorrect: to visit The Pit, you have to defeat the Baron first.
  • Somewhat more explicit hinting about how to beat the Baron (check out that merging tome…). Fixed invasions conking out early.
  • Fixed seams during meter animations.

Out Now, via Patreon!

January Patreon Reward

Out now! New stuff in the Patreon version:

  • New Location: The Pit. Here you can meet the characters from the previous patreon releases, and also The Smuggler – an unscrupulous rogue who often moves contraband internally.
  • New alert level mechanic for all the inhabitants of The Pit.
  • Re-implemented the encounter meters to make them easier to mod and maintain.
  • Hover over a meter to see its numeric value.

Plan for the base game

For the last few months I’ve been focused on producing Patreon content: new tomes, new characters, and new plot arcs. These are the ingredients for a new location: The Pit, a dilapidated industrial zone where squatters, outlaws, and revolutionaries hang out.

But what about people not in the Patreon? I plan to ship all the new content to the base game with a delay, and for the last few months I’ve been giving the Patreon a head start. In February I want to update the base game with a chunk of the new location, with the rest to come later. Base game updates won’t happen as often as Patreon rewards – I’m shooting for quarterly – but rest assured, new content is on the way.